FPGA based Digital World


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Software runs on a CPU, controlling the perpherials.

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Deploy Multiple Domains in One Vitual Host

When constucting a website,we sometimes apply one virtual host from a web server provider. In the mean time, maybe we applied for several domain names, e.g., www.mywebsite_1.com, www.mywebsite_1.cn, www.mywebsite_1.uk, etc.

Most of the time, we intend to provide the same entry to these domains on the applied virtual host(only one), but provide different starting pages for different domain visiting.

There're several ways to realize it.

Here's one example for asp.

In the root dirctory of the website, change the entry asp page(e.g.,default.asp, index.asp,etc.) as follows.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
<title>An Example to Redirect the Entry Pages </title>

 select case Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
  case "localhost"
  case ""
  case else
   Response.Write("Whoooo....You're a lucky guy...")
 end select




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 Multiple websites on one host
 Hard Disk Master Record and BPB