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Complex Number

Complex number was inveneted to solve the problem of x*x = q, where q is a negative real number.


A complex numbercan be represented in different forms.

Rectangular form



   x is the real part(Re) and y is the imaginary part(Im).

Polar form

where, r is called the modulus (or absolute value or norm) of z.

¦Èis determined up to an integer multiple of 2¦Ð, and the value of any of these angles is called an argument of z, denoted Arg z. While the argument that lies in (-¦Ð,¦Ð) is known as the principle value of the argument, denoted as arg z.

Exponential Form



Graphical Representation

A complex number can be expressed graphically.

1) A point with coordinates of (x,y) in the complex plane(or z plane)

2) A vector pointing to (x,y) point



Euler's Formula



Other properties

Mathematical Operations

Addition and Subtraction




Complete Conjugate


Function of a Complex Variable

Complex functions w (z) are constructed from complex variable z(=x+jy), as below.

    w(z) = u(x,y) + jv(x,y)


The relationship between the independent variable z and the dependent variable w can be pictured as a mapping operation, as shown below.


Complex Number in Matlab

1) Generate a complex number

  a = 2.5 + 5.9i

  a = complex(2.5,5.9)

2) Get the real part, imaginary part,magnitude

  real(a), imag(a), abs(a)

3) Get the angle

angle(a) - in rad

angle(a)*180/pi-- in degree

4) Get the conjugate


5) Draw complex function

The complex function z = f(x,y), can be graphed, over some finite domain, as the height of a 3D surface, a density plot, or a set of contour lines.

In matlab, it can be graphed with the height of the 3D surface as well as the surface color.

[example]plot the curve of Z^2.





[Note]cplxmap(z,w) has the similar result to the one of below command.


where x and y axes represent the real and imaginary parts of the input, while z axis represents the real part of the output and the color represents the imaginary part of the output.

The result is shown below.



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  Compelx Number
  Even and Odd Function
  Fourier Series(FS)
  Fourier Transform(FT)
  Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT)
  Discrete Fourier Series(DFS)
  Laplace Transform(LT)
Technical Note
 Sinc Wave and its Spectrum