FPGA based Digital World


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Brief Introduction

Signal processing is much important.

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Fourier Transform(FT)

An aperiodic signal can be thought of as periodic with infinite period, and could be expressed by integral of sinusoidals.

The Fourier transform is an integral tranform of aperiodic signal from time domain to frequency domain, as follows.


And the inverse Fourier transform is


The Fourier transform maps a function of time t to a complex-valued function of real-valued domain ¦Ø.


From Fourier Series to Fourier Transform

Take below aperiodic signal s(t) as example.

aperiodic wave

It could be supposed to be the extension of below rectangular wave with period T-->¡Þ.


The Fourier series is


and it could evolve to Fourier transform as below.

Fourier transform

Properites of Fourier Transform


1 Linearity



2 Time Scaling

Time scaling

3 Time shifting

Time Shifting

4 Frequency shifting(Amplitude Modulation)

Frequency Shifting

5 Time Differentiation

Time Differentiation

6 Time Integration

Time Integration

7 Reversal


8 Duality


10 Convolution


where, * is convolution.

Fourier Transform Paris

The function f(t) and its transform F(¦Ø) form the Fourier transform Pairs.

Transform Pairs



delta function

Rectangular Function

Rectangular Function

Sampling Signal

Sampling Signal


Parseval's Theroem

Parseval's Theroem relates the energy carried by a signal to thr Fourier transform of the signal, as below.

It applies to both periodic and aperiodic signals.




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  Compelx Number
  Even and Odd Function
  Fourier Series(FS)
  Fourier Transform(FT)
  Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT)
  Discrete Fourier Series(DFS)
  Laplace Transform(LT)
Technical Note
 Sinc Wave and its Spectrum