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Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT)

For a signal series x(n) with M points (0 to M-1), its DFT is defined as

Discrete FT

let , its DFT and IDFT(inverse discrete Fourier transform become



    x(n)<--DFT/IDFT--> X(k)

The above transform can be explained as below.


X(k) is regarded as the N-point sampling of the Fourier transform of x(n)(0 to 1s).


  (1) X(k) is complex, while x(n) is real.

  (2) X(k) is not the spectrum of x(n), but the sampling of one period of the spectrum(explained below).

  (3) If the points of x(n) are sampled with sampling frequency fs from x(t), then the actual freqeuncies of X(k) should be multiplified by fs.

  (4) If x(k) is real, then the Fourier transform is corjugate symmetric, which implies that the real part and the magnitude are both even functions and the imaginary part and phase are both odd functions. Thus for real-valued signals the Fourier transform need only be specified for positive frequenciesbecause of the conjugate symmetry.

  (5) Whether or not a sequence is real, specification of the Fourier transform over a frequency range of 2¦Ð specifies it entirely.

DFT can also be writen in matrix form as

matrix form

[Example] x(n) is a 8-point rectangular function, defined as below, calculate its discrete Fourier transform with N=8 and 16.


And the solution is shown below.




Basic Rules

Below basic rules need to be remembered to understand the transition from FT to DFT.

Rule 1: The convolution of function f(t) with a pulse function, is a mirror of f(t) to the pulse position(both in time or frequency domain), i.e.,

Delta convolution

Rule 2: The multiplication of two functions in one domain corresponds to the convolution of the twos in another domain, i.e.


Rule 3: The sampling funciton is a series of pulse functions and its Fourier transform is also a series of pulse functions.

Sampling function

From FT to DFT

An aperiodic signal is continous in time domain, and its Fourier transfrom in frequency domain is also continous.From FT to DFT insists of several steps, as shown below.

from FT to DFT

(1) FT

Taking below time-domain function as the example

  f(t)= cos(¦Ø0t)

Its Fourier transform is two ¦Ä functions at -¦Ø0 and ¦Ø0, which is shown on the right side of (1).

Note: the signal is continuous in both time and frequency domain.



The original signal is infinite, so it must be windowed to a finite range.And it causes leakage in some cases(as depicted below).

Rectangular window in time domain is used in this case, whose Fourier transform is a sinc funcition(as shown below).


Windowing is equal to multiply the rectangular function with the signal,which causes the convolution in frequency domain(rule 2). And according to rule 1, the result is the mirroring of sinc function to -¦Ø0 and ¦Ø0, as shown on the right side of (2).

The f(t) now becomes

f(t) after windowing

And F(¦Ø) becomes

Note: The signal is still continuous in both time and frequency domain.


(3) DTFT(Discrete Time Fourier Tranform)

The signal is sampled in time domain with sampling pulses, and it's a multiplication of the sampling function p(t) and the signal f(t).--> Convolution of F(¦Ø) and P(¦Ø) in frequncy domain(Rule 1).--> F(¦Ø) is mirrored to P(¦Ø)(Rule 2), as shown in the right part of (3).

Note: The signal is discrete in time domain, but still continuous in frequency domain.


(4) DFT(Discrete Fourier Tranform)

The signal is sampled in frequency domain with sampling signal, and causes the signal to be mirrored in time domain, as shown in (4).

Note: The signal is now discrete in both time and frequency domain.


[Example] A continuous signal is shown below, and the sampling frequency is fs=4Hz, so the sampled series are f(n) are: 8,4,8,0.

example funticon

The F(n) is calculated as


And the amplitude spectrum is shown.



DFT Properties

1 Linearity


If the two sequnces are of different lengths, append zero(s) to the shorter sequence to makethem with the same duration.

2 Circular Shift of Sequence

x(n) (n=0 to N-1)is to extended to a periodic sequence with period of N as,

Then the cirular shift is defined as

wher RN is a N-point rectangular sequence.

The relation of the cirular shifted sequence to the original one is as below.

3 Duality

4 Symmetry

Refer to the symmetry in DFS.


5 Circular Convolution

Refer to the circular convolution in DFS.


DFT Errors

DFT is only an approximation to FT since it provides only for a finite set of sequence and frequencies, and it causes two main errors: aliasing and leakage.

1 Aliasing: due to time-sampling rate limitation

2 Leakage

The continuous Fourier transform of a periodic waveform requires the integration to be performed over the interval -¡Þ to ¡Þ or over an integer number of cycles of the waveform. If the DFT is compelted over a non-integer number of cycles of the input signal, then leakage occurs.

Window functions taper the samples towards zero values at both endpoints, and so there
is no discontinuity (or very little) with a hypothetical next period. Hence the leakage of spectral content away from its correct location is much reduced.


Different Fourier Transforms

The relationship between continuity and periodicity is summarized as below.

  Continous in one domain --> Aperiodic in another domain

  Discrete in one domain --> Periodic in another domain

Below is a detailed table.

Type Time Domain Frequency Domain Comment
FT Aperiodic, Continuous Continuous, Aperiodic  
FS Periodic, Continuous Discrete, Aperiodic  
DTFT APeriodic, Discrete Continous, Periodic  
DFT Periodic, Discrete Discrete, Periodic  


Parseval's Theroem in DFT


DFT in Matlab

An example to calculate DFT in Matlab is shown below.

% Example of cosine wave spectrum
% -------------------------------------
% Overal Paramters
f0 = 1; %frequency of the cosine wave, Hz
fs = 10; %Sampling frequency, in Hz
N = 128; %Sampling Number

% Sampling
n = 0:N-1; %discrete sampling number series
t = n/fs; % discrete sampling time, in sec.
% for calculating function values
Xt = sin(2*pi*f0*t); %discrete samples

% Call FFT(DFT) function in matlab
Xf = fft(Xt,N); % FFT, same as DFT, but fast
Frq= (0:N-1)'*fs/N; % Corresponding frequency array

% Calculate magtitude and phase of the FFT
Xf_Mag = abs(Xf);
Xf_Phase = angle(Xf)*180/pi; % in degree

% Calculate Power
Xf_Power = Xf_Mag.^2;

% Plot original signal in time domain
plot(t, Xt);
title('Original Signal(time domain)');

% Plot Manitude in frequency domain
plot(Frq, Xf_Mag);
title('Magnitude Spectrum');

% Plot Phase in frequency domain
plot(Frq, Xf_Phase);
title('Phase Spectrum');

And the running result is as follows.

DFT Result

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  Compelx Number
  Even and Odd Function
  Fourier Series(FS)
  Fourier Transform(FT)
  Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT)
  Discrete Fourier Series(DFS)
  Laplace Transform(LT)
Technical Note
 Sinc Wave and its Spectrum