FPGA based Digital World


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Welcome to FPGA based Digital World.

Brief Introduction

The basic idea of introducing SoC into electric devices is to integrate more components into the same piece of silicon to reduce size and cost while enhancing performance.

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SoC Architecture

A typical SoC structure consists of below components (not including the SW and integration here).

- Processor(CPU)

- Memory(SRAM)

- Peripheral systems and interfaces connected to the CPU via a SoC bus


And more components can be integrated, for example,

- Flash memory for program storage

- GPU(a graphics processor)

- USB controller

- power management circuit

- Wireless radio functional IP(WiFi, 3G, 4G LTE, and so on)

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Another important part in the SoC is the interconnections for the embedded components, and many kinds of interconnection protocols are available. And below are some examples.

- AMBA (Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture)

- Wishbone: originates from Silicore and now becomes open cores

- Avalon

Bus Char


AMBA is a collection of buses from ARM for satisfying a range of different criteria:

- APB (Advanced Peripheral Bus): simple strobed-access bus with minimal interface complexity. Suitable for hosting peripherals.

- ASB (Advanced System Bus): a multi-master synchronous system bus.

- AHB (Advanced High Performance Bus): a high- throughput synchronous system backbone. Burst transfers and split transactions.

- AXI(Advanced eXtensible Interface, from AMBA3.0 on): supports high-performance, high-frequency system designs for communication between master and slave components; suitable for high-bandwidth and low-latency designs.

The SoC can come into several forms, as below.

- Dedicated SoC ASIC(Application Specific IC)

 Highly integrated;

 For dedicated application: e.g., 5G processor



 Both reconfigurable/programmable logic(FPGA) and programmable software(MPU SW)

Altera/Intel Xilinx Lattice Learn About Electronics
MircoSemi Terasic Electric Fans

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 From MPU to SoC
 SoC in Embedded System
 SoC Architecture
 MCU SoC-Vendors
 MCU SoC-Examples
 SoC in the future
 What is ARM
 Example Structure
 Cross Development System
 A Starting Example
 Operating System
 UI System