FPGA based Digital World


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Welcome to FPGA based Digital World.

Brief Introduction

The basic idea of introducing SoC into electric devices is to integrate more components into the same piece of silicon to reduce size and cost while enhancing performance.

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SoC in the Future

It’s hard to say what will happen to SoC, but it can be expected that

- higher integration is possible

- more IPs(Cores or building blocks) are available

Due to the limitation of IC production technology, it’s difficult to integrate inductance and large capacitors or resistors inside the chip unless new technology occurs.

Currently below technologies are also employed.

1 SiP(System-in-Package)

SiP integrates different chips and discrete components, as well as 3D chip stacking of either packaged chips or bare chips (e.g., wide-bandwidth memory cubes and memory on logic with through silicon vias (TSVs)) side-by-side on a common (either silicon, ceramic, or organic) substrate to form a system or subsystem for smartphones, tablets, high-end networking server and computer applications.

根据国际半导体路线组织(ITRS)的定义: SiP 为将多个具有不同功能的有源电子元件与可选无源器件,以及诸如 MEMS 或者光学器件等其他器件优先组装到一起,实现一定功能的单个标准封装件,形成一个系统或者子系统。


2 Heterogeneous Integration

Altera/Intel Xilinx Lattice Learn About Electronics
MircoSemi Terasic Electric Fans

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 From MPU to SoC
 SoC in Embedded System
 SoC Architecture
 MCU SoC-Vendors
 MCU SoC-Examples
 SoC in the future
 What is ARM
 Example Structure
 Cross Development System
 A Starting Example
 Operating System
 UI System