FPGA based Digital World


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Analog circuit is the basis of electronics, and covers lots of area.

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Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis

In a linear, time invariant(LTI)circuit, if the source is a sinusoid(steady-state), then phasor analysis could be employed.

The steps to analyze the AC circuit are with phasor:

1) Transform the sinuoid source to the phasor or frequency domain;

 Epxress the source in cosine form(real part of the phasor):


 then the phasor form would be


2) Solve the problem in phasor doamin using the same techniques as in DC analysis;

 The impedance or admittance of circuit element are to be expressed in phasor domain.

3) Transform the resulting phasor to time domain

 The solution in time domain would be the real part of the resulting phasor(Vom*exp(§¶o)), i.e.,


phasor analysis steps



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Electric Device
 Bipolar Junction Transistor
 Field Effect Transistor
 Operational Amplifier
Circuit Analysis
 DC Circuit
  Basic Laws
  Basic Analysis Techniques
  Linear Circuit
  Analysis Theorem in Linear Circuit
 AC Circuit
  Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
   Sinusoid and Phasor
   Basic Laws
   Analysis Techniques
   Frequency Response
  Non-Sinusoid Steady-State Analysis
  Transient Analysis
   First Order Circuits
   Second Order Circuits
 Two-port Networks
 Related Knowledge
  Waveforms in Electric Circuit
 Power Supply
  Linear Regulator
  SMPS Basic Topology
  SMPS with Transformer
  SMPS without Transformer
Clock Generation
EDA Tools
Technical Notes
 DC-DC Test